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Hawk's Intuitive Journey

Updated: May 11, 2023

Hawk's Intuitive Journey

Intuitive hawk
Intuitive hawk

Have you ever had a gut feeling that turned out to be right? Or ignored an inner voice that later you wished you had listened to? That's intuition, a powerful yet often neglected aspect of our inner wisdom. Luckily, intuition can be developed like any other skill. In this post, I'll share my playful and zen journey to develop intuition and offer tips on meditation, journaling, and how to differentiate intuition from other thoughts and feelings. Let's fly!

Meditation: The Gateway to Intuition

Meditation is a simple yet profound practice that helps quiet our minds and connect with our inner selves. It's like cleaning a dusty window to reveal the clear sky behind.

For me, meditation means soaring high in the sky and feeling the wind beneath my wings. I find a peaceful spot, close my eyes, and breathe deeply. I focus on the present moment, observing my thoughts and feelings without judgment. When my mind wanders, which it often does, I gently bring it back to my breath.

Through meditation, I've learned to distinguish between my intuition and my ego, which likes to chatter and complain. Intuition is more like a silent whisper or a subtle nudge. It doesn't demand attention but waits patiently for us to notice it. Meditation helps us tune in to this inner voice and trust it.

Journaling: The Playground of Intuition

Journaling is another fun and creative way to develop intuition. It's like having a dialogue with yourself on paper. By writing down our thoughts and feelings, we can uncover patterns, insights, and solutions that may have been hidden before. Journaling is also a safe space to express ourselves without filters or expectations.

For me, journaling means scribbling on a leaf or a piece of bark with my sharp beak. I write down whatever comes to my mind, without worrying about grammar or spelling. Sometimes I ask myself a question and let my intuition answer it. Other times, I describe my surroundings or my dreams. The key is to write honestly and authentically.

Through journaling, I've discovered my passions, my fears, and my strengths. I've also learned to recognize the signals of my intuition, such as a sudden insight or a feeling of resonance. Journaling helps us make sense of our inner world and create a map of our intuition.

Differentiating Intuition from Other Thoughts or Feelings

One of the challenges of developing intuition is to distinguish it from other thoughts or feelings that may cloud our judgment. Intuition is not the same as wishful thinking, fear, or ego. Here are some tips on how to tell them apart:

  • Intuition feels calm and clear, while fear feels tense and cloudy.

  • Intuition resonates with our values and purpose, while wishful thinking may be driven by external influences or short-term desires.

  • Intuition is not attached to a specific outcome or agenda, while ego may have an agenda or bias.

To develop intuition, it's important to cultivate a sense of curiosity and openness. Instead of dismissing our intuition or rushing to conclusions, we can ask questions, observe our reactions, and follow our hunches. Intuition is not a fixed or rigid concept, but a fluid and evolving one.

Inspiring Intuition: Hawk's Message

As a hawk, I've always relied on my intuition to navigate the vast skies and find my prey. But intuition is not limited to survival or hunting. It's a gift that we all have and can use to live a more fulfilling and joyful life.

My message to you is to trust your intuition, even if it seems unconventional or uncertain. Your intuition knows what's best for you, even if your mind or society says otherwise. Listen to your inner voice, embrace your uniqueness, and soar high in the sky of possibilities.

May your intuition be your guiding star, and may you develop it with joy and ease. Happy flying!

In Joy and Love,

Mr. Michael Adams

Director at Keep Inspiration Alive

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