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Discovering Your Unique Path: Identifying the 6 Intentions We Come to Earth With

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we come to this earth with a set of intentions that guide our journey and help us fulfill our purpose. These intentions are unique to each individual and are the driving force behind our desires, passions, and aspirations.

Here are the six intentions we come to earth with and how to identify them:

  1. Learning intention One of the primary intentions we come to earth with is to learn and grow. This intention is about expanding our consciousness, gaining knowledge, and developing our spiritual and personal awareness. If you have a strong desire to learn new things, explore different cultures, and seek out new experiences, then you likely have a learning intention.

  2. Service intention Another intention we come to earth with is to serve others. This intention is about helping others and making a positive impact on the world. If you have a strong desire to help people, support causes, and make a difference in the lives of others, then you likely have a service intention.

  3. Creative intention Many of us come to earth with creative intention. This intention is about expressing ourselves, tapping into our creative abilities, and sharing our unique gifts with the world. If you have a strong desire to create art, music, writing, or any other form of self-expression, then you likely have a creative intention.

  4. Healing intention Some of us come to earth with a healing intention. This intention is about bringing healing, transformation, and love into the world. If you have a strong desire to help people heal emotionally, mentally, or physically, then you likely have a healing intention.

  5. Adventure intention An adventure intention is about seeking new experiences, taking risks, and exploring the unknown. If you have a strong desire to travel, try new things, and step outside of your comfort zone, then you likely have an adventure intention.

  6. Leadership intention Finally, some of us come to earth with a leadership intention. This intention is about taking charge, being a role model, and inspiring others. If you have a strong desire to lead, influence, and guide others toward a common goal, then you likely have a leadership intention.

How to identify your intentions:

To identify your intentions, it's helpful to reflect on your passions, interests, and desires. What brings you joy? What are you naturally drawn to? What activities or experiences leave you feeling fulfilled and energized?

Pay attention to the patterns in your life. What themes keep showing up? Are you constantly seeking new experiences? Do you feel fulfilled when you help others? Are you naturally creative?

Once you identify your intentions, you can use them to guide your decisions and actions. Your intentions are like a compass that points you toward your purpose and helps you fulfill your potential.

In conclusion, we all come to earth with a unique set of intentions that guide our journey and help us fulfill our purpose. By identifying your intentions, you can live a more fulfilling and purposeful life, and make a positive impact on the world.

With Joy and Love,

Mr. Michae Adams

Director of Keep Inspiration Alive

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